JAMAICA – A woman whose well-churched childhood of strict discipline, strong morals, and having everything she needed, except love, seeks to find it. She journeys from family to abusive gangsters, wealthy elders, promiscuous living, dancehall living, and even bisexuality, in pursuit of love…but still does not find it. Until one day she is faced with death after being forewarned by a prophetic dream that would draw her to God’s House and catapult her into a realm where time stood still. Here she would find the true love she was searching for all along and discover her purpose in God to change lives as an apostle, pastor, prophetess, author, journalist, and a regional overseer for a nation.

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald, an ordained apostle, founder of Reshuffle Outreach Ministry, and pastor for Evangelism Family Life Ministries out of Jamaica as a regional overseer for Jamaica consisting of two branches located in Spanish Town and St. Elizabeth. She is the author of Breaking Those Track Records of Abuse and a radio broadcaster at Omega Station with a radio talk show called “Let’s Reason.” She is a wife, mother of three children, and grandmother of three grandchildren.

She is a courageous ambassador for the Kingdom of God with many duties and responsibilities for the Glory of Jesus Christ. God uses her in the ministry of raising up spiritual soldiers, tearing down strongholds through deliverance, and speaking life into many through the prophetic. To get to that level there was a price to pay and a story to tell, which began during the era of the 70’s.

Childhood Years

She was born August 19, 1975 in a small district called Geddes Town in St. Mary, Jamaica. Her parents split up when she was three years old. She ended up living with her grandmother on her father’s side, who was of Indian descent. Under her grandmother’s care, she grew up very well with high morals in a Christian home. She had everything she needed, good food, good clothes, and basic necessities. Her grandmother who worked as a post mistress of the postal office, was also an elder in the Baptist church, and she had two aunts who were educators. She was taught to eat with a knife and fork, to respect her elders, to say excuse me, I’m sorry. She could not miss Sunday school, and was mandated to know the Word very early and recite scriptures every Sunday. Due to this, she was well-schooled and well-churched; but there was a slight problem.

“With all of these good morals, there was one key thing missing, and that was the love of my parents.”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

In her era, she realized that there was a form of prejudice when it came to skin color. Her features were more that of the Indian background, such as hair texture and lighter skin. She grew up believing that anything too black was not good, so she looked down on others based on this mindset. Her mother never visited and her father would check up on her every now and then. She grew up with her eldest sister who was her father’s child, not her mother’s child.

“Growing up as a child, I never received a hug from my mom or from my grandmother. I was more grown up in an atmosphere of discipline. I was a disciplined child. I was lacking of love. So if I should see a mother hugging a child, there would be this thing in my heart that I wanted that. I needed that. Because of that, I felt rejected. I felt abandoned.”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

As she grew, she never received a doll or any toys, it was all about doing homework, chores, errands, saying your prayers, know this bible scripture. She never heard the words, “I love you,” from any of her family. She felt almost like it was a Cinderella story, and began to long for her siblings and her mother.

Teenage Years to Young Adult

In high school, she ended up writing a letter to her mother saying that she was not happy. Her letter was received and her desire to go home was granted. She moved to the busy area of Kingston 13 with her mom who took her in. One thing though, her mom was not saved. She left from a Christian home into an unsaved home, which introduced two other problems. She was given the responsibility to take care of her siblings, get them up, get them ready for school, prepare their food, and more. In addition to that, she did not receive the love or hug that she was searching for. Her mother never said, “I love you.” Even so, her mother was still extremely strict and still made her do her school work and go to church.

While she was there, she made new friends and loved school. Her desire was to be a journalist. So she got involved in debates, school, speech, and public speaking. During this time, she received peer pressure due to the volatile community. She tried to fit in and wanted to avoid being that “church girl.” She gave into the pressure of her friends asking if she had a boyfriend, and became curious at the age of 14. A known gangster on her street who was a don expressed interest in her. She got involved with him, and later became sexually active with him. She got pregnant at 15 and had the baby by the age of 16. Due to her life choices, she was no longer in her mother’s house and began living with him.

“So now I had to learn the life of a street gangster’s woman….of a don.”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

She had to learn things like where to hide a gun, load a gun, pull it down, and fit it back up, how to clean it, and how to shoot it. Everywhere he went she followed him. She became the woman gangster. She wasn’t doing the shooting, but she was transporting it. She was taught not to be fearful and be a soldier, especially when encountering the military. There were days when she cried, felt alone, and longed to go back home to her mother. She went into a deep depression at times. That is when things went downhill, her mate began to abuse her and she wanted to break free. When their baby was three months, she attempted to run away.

“When you get accustomed to a certain lifestyle, especially a lifestyle with a gangster, it’s not easy to get out of it.”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

He hunted her down and got the baby. She escaped from him again and then went to St. Catherine to where her mom relocated. She believed that was her escape route but he found her and attempted to kill her. He had her kneeling down on the ground preparing to kill her, and she called out the Name of “Jesus!” He yelled back at her with the words, “Shut up!” She then apologized and said she would not leave again. He refrained from killing her, but then burnt all of her clothes. All she had left was what was on her back.

She ran away again and found another man for protection, as a means of escape. She got pregnant again with this man, who was a working man, but she did not want the baby. She was afraid that her previous baby’s father was still hunting her down. This child’s father also began abusing her as well. As a result, she went to escape again back to another gangster for real protection, who lived with his baby’s mother. She considered it to be a good thing, so she could avoid commitments, and still find safety with no strings attached. However, the gangster lifestyle started to wear her down.

“I got tired of that life, going from gangster to gangster.”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

As a Young Woman

In her early 20’s, she moved from gangsters to older men. An elderly wealthy person, with businesses approached her. He smelled good, picked her up in nice cars, and gave her the luxurious lifestyle of the rich and famous. But yet she felt like something was missing. Other older men began to be attracted to her, she did not reject the offers, so she began promiscuous living. She began to receive confidence from these men who began to tell her about her beauty, she was getting loved, and she no longer was getting abused. However, she took advantage of their kindness by leaving them, going from one man to another.

She began to travel and went to England. When she returned she got into a new type of living. She wanted to make sure she got attention, and it came in ways that left no imagination to the eye.

“I started to bleach my skin. I started to cultivate habits for the dancehall look. I started to wear skimpy clothes, the revealing clothes,” said Apostle Heather. “All of this, I never knew so many spirits were attached to me. I didn’t even have a clue. Most time you saw me, I was barely wearing anything.”

She became loud, bold, and would speak with expletives with no remorse. She was known for being with all types of backgrounds, both gangsters (dons) for the protection and the elderly for the provision. One of the men helped her to get property, and she owned businesses, which included a marijuana business.

In Adulthood

At the age of 27, a man finally got her attention to settle, who had no baggage, but was a gangster as well. She left all the men and got married and they had a child together. She wanted to be a good wife and began to go back to church. However, her house burned down, her husband became abusive and was also having an affair. She had affairs too through online dating. In this timeframe a woman approached her and she did not deny her.

“I got involved with this woman. I thought that this was what I wanted because men abuse me so much, physically, verbally, and emotionally, psychologically. At one point I thought I was the reason why they would hit me.”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

The woman began to show her love, and she believed this was the love she was searching for all along. However, something deep down inside her was telling her this was not it. She tried a few more women but not for long, and she later divorced her husband. She then became fully invested into the dancehall and kept up-to-date with the look that went with it.

“I became a dancehall promoter and that’s where I started to put on different tattoos on my body,” said Apostle Heather. “Currently speaking, I have 21 tattoos now. If God did not reach out and save me, I would not be finished.”

By 2012, she would party every night of the week, sometimes three parties per night. She was making money and drinking alcohol. She smoked marijuana occasionally when doing parties. She would even pass by the church worship intoxicated. Her life was careless to the things of the world. She became known for fashion wearing colored dreads, like orange, yellow, and red.


Around this time she would visit churches every now and then, and she owned two bars. In addition to this, she began to have dreams that would come true. Some people even began to win the lotto from their interpretation of what she dreamt. She figured that she was a dreamer for people to win it. Then suddenly, there was one dream she received that would be her wake-up call.

“I dreamt I was at one of the [bar] locations. Armed robbers came and killed me at gun point. They robbed me and they shot me twice in the dream,” expressed Apostle Heather.

Since she knew her dreams would come true, she was worried that she was going to get shot in real life. She called her mom who reminded her that her grandmother raised her to pray. Even though she prayed she was still unsettled. So she went to a church the Wednesday after she had the dream. She had the most memorable experience during service that was clearly a heavenly encounter!

“During the praise and worship, I fell into this realm. I was caught up in the Spirit and I was lost. Tears were running from my eyes, uncontrollable tears. I was in this space. All around me was just light. I was just worshiping Him. I don’t know how long I was there, but when I opened my eyes…the preacher was preaching. Worship had ended.”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

As she opened her eyes the preacher called her up by saying, “you with the red hair, if you ever know what was upon your life and how the Lord wants to use you, you would surrender your life.” When he told her that, she was confused. She couldn’t understand what God would want from a dancehall girl like her with red locks, tattoos, tongue & nose piercings.

White-Davis McDonald before being saved

The Sunday after, she went to work to fill in for someone at the bar. While she was on her phone a man came in to order cigarettes. When she got up, he glanced towards the door entrance. Suddenly she got that sinking feeling of worry and fear. Another man walked in with a gun in his hand. She was immediately reminded of her dream about her getting shot.

“I froze. The spirit of fear crippled me. I was crippled. I felt urine start to run uncontrollable,” Apostle Heather shared. “He looked into my eyes pointing the gun at my forehead. I was staring death in the eyes.”

She remembered the words of a gangster she was with at the time who told her not to defend herself if she gets robbed or they will shoot, especially since she got the dream. So she stood still. The robbers took what they needed and did not shoot her. When this happened, it was her wake up call. She knew she had to relocate and go to church.

She moved to a different area in Jamaica, cut her dreadlocks and found a church. She didn’t quit dancehall, but she started to go to fasting service every week, sometimes going to church on Sundays. After a while, she noticed that the love she had for parties start to diminish. And then…as she walked into the fasting service during worship she had another realm experience.

“When I walked in, I felt the same thing. I began to worship again and I was lost. I was caught up in the same sphere. Just light all around me. Peaceful! It felt good. I didn’t want to move and tears were running down. I was just saying ‘Jesus I love you, God I love you.’ When I came out of that sphere there was an altar call.”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

She noticed that all the chairs around her were moved. Praise and worship was done, she knew she must have been there for a while. She went to the altar and the pastor, Reverend Howard Reynolds, who is also a gospel artist known as Goddy Goddy, prayed for her. He asked her if she was saved, and he said, “if you ever know what was on your life, hell is in trouble.” She still did not give her life to the Lord. However, she continued to go to church weekly. One year passed. By December 27, 2013, she had her last dancehall party. Then the moment came when she had a special experience during fasting service.

“I love to worship because that’s where I got my experiences with God. I remember during worship a Voice came to me and said, ‘Heather, now is the time. Let go.’”

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald

It was this same service the pastor said two things that pulled her in. “What if God was to appear today if you were to die, where would your soul be?” The next thing he said was “tomorrow is promised to none of us.” These words resonated with her spirit. That’s the moment, she gave her life to the Lord.

“This time I was just done with the world. I was just ready to give in,” stated Apostle Heather.

The church was on holy fire! Everyone there was filled with joy, glee, and excitement when she gave finally surrendered to the Lord. They knew this was by the hands of God. It was a celebration! This happened during the Thursday fasting service. By the Sunday, she got baptized, which took place January 12, 2014. Two months later, she got filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. She finally found the TRUE LOVE she was searching for all this time. Only Jesus Christ could fill the void she once had in her heart. She became a new woman in Him. If we skip forward to now, we can see that she went from a dancehall girl, to ministering the gospel of Jesus in front of dancehalls! Look at God!


Apostle Heather’s History After Receiving Salvation

From the time she got saved, her story only gets better! Apostle Heather became active in church. God began to advance her throughout the years from glory to glory in service for the Lord within Pastor Reynold’s church. She then joined another ministry and became an ordained minister, doing crusades, street ministries, and preaching. In July 2020, God deposited Chosen One’s Ministry within her spirit which would officially launch in the future on January 7, 2023. Then she was led to start conferences, which turned into two annual conferences, Reshuffle Youth Conference, held in August, and General Reshuffle Conference, held in December 2020, by which the Reshuffle Outreach Ministry was birthed. By 2021/2022, she was ordained as a pastor and prophetess after graduating from bible college.

In July 2022, she met Bishop Wayne Manning, Owner of Omega/KLAS radio, after being introduced through Dr. Sharon Wiles, where she would later join the station as co-host for a program called “Real Talk.” She was also privileged to interview influential people at the Steller Gospel Awards. She now has her own radio show, “Let’s Reason.”

On September 24, 2022, she met Dr. Sheldon Evans, visionary of Evangelism Family Life Ministries (EFLM), at the first crusade in Brinkley, which is also when the St. Elizabeth EFLM branch was birthed. He appointed her as pastor over the that location and the Spanish Town branch, which later launched in 2023. Apostle Heather has been used mightily in service for God through EFLM, many lives have been changed, delivered, baptized, saved, and set free. She also travels from time to time to New York to minister at the headquartered location of EFLM.

Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald ministering in New York
Dr. Sharon Wiles (left); Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald (middle); Dr. Sheldon Evans (right)

She is also the author of Breaking Those Track Records released August 2023, a book related to “breaking free from the chains of abuse and finding hope” through faith, which is now available on Amazon.

In 2024, she got ordained as an apostle, with a Kingdom certificate to prove that God is God!

God has moved mightily in her life and continues to use her. Her three beautiful children are now all grown up with smiles testifying of God’s goodness, which includes: 32-year-old daughter, Jaleen Goslin, a 30-year-old son, Romario Roman, and 22-year-old son, Lurie Foster. She is happily re-married to a wonderful loving husband, who works diligently and faithfully with her in ministry.

Slideshow of Apostle Heather’s Family:

To get more information about Apostle Heather White-Davis McDonald or if you want to partner with her to help accomplish the task of outreach, feel free to connect through Facebook. We have also provided her contact details in the HOH Global Directory.

This is Sharlene, reporting from Horns of Heaven Global News, letting the power of Jesus be known, by sounding the Trumpet of News from God’s People to God’s People across the globe. It’s all about the Kingdom of God and connecting the believers of Christ through clear communication and the real life stories told around the world! ADONAI ECHAD! ANACHNU AM ECHAD! HEBREW FOR “GOD IS ONE. WE ARE ONE PEOPLE!” 👑

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